SomaEnergetics Phase 2 Tuning Forks
SomaEnergetics Energy Scanning Technique
Service Description
Phase 1 Energy Vitality Technique students are invited to the Phase 2 Sound Healing Tuning Forks Course. Please note, that you are eligible for this training if you took SomaEnergetics Phase 1 Course. In this course you will learn: • Energy Scanning Technique (EST), • Chakra Stone Relaxation Technique, • Opening the Eye of Enlightenment to see through illusion, • Clearing the Heart Centre for co-creative relationships, • Introduction of SomaEnergetics Solfeggio Body Tuners, • Using Body Tuners on Acupressure Points. In Phase 1 you have learnt how to activate the energy the client is not using, you know how to connect them to Universal Energy Field, and safely distribute that energy throughout the Energy Centres. Now, in Phase 2 we can do additional work with the open system we just created, using Soma Tuners and Energy Scanning Technique (EST). The Energy Scanning Technique (EST): • Provides a way to scan the body and retrieve information from the bio-feedback system, • Use Body Mapping to identify emotional energetic blockages, • Allows the client the opportunity to clear blockages by releasing what they are ready to release - restoring energetic balance and flow. You will learn and be able to demonstrate a set of protocols for using the Solfeggio Tuning Forks that can be utilized with most any other modality to assist them in helping clients accomplish their intention for health and wellness. These protocols may be utilized as a stand-alone modality, in addition to massage or other therapies. Course Fee: €333 Optional Course Material: Body Tuners Kit (Colour 6 Solfeggio Weighted Tuning Forks - Body Tuners – a SomaEnergetics exclusive): €333 If you would like to order a set of Soma Body Tuners*, please let me know in the form when signing up for the course. *Please note that for the forks to arrive on time, I have to order them 2 weeks before the training. If you have your own set of Soma Body Tuners, please bring them with you to the class.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Trainings & Courses due to limited seating, we request that you cancel at least 3 weeks before a scheduled class to get a refund. This gives us the opportunity to fill the class. However, if you do not cancel prior to 3 weeks, you will lose the payment for the class. Please, note that when you cancel your training/course transaction fee will be applied (amount depends on the chosen payment provider).